

First impression is, this thing actually looks pretty cool. At first, I wasn’t too sure about the whole engine theme but I have to say it has a really solid feel and the finish on it looks to be fantastic. I can’t wait to put some batteries in it and see how it actually performs when I take it for a spin. Pun intended. FIRST IMPRESSION OUT OF THE BOX: I have to give Augvape credit on this one. They [...]

June 28th, 2019|0 Comments

Augvape Merlin Mini RTA Review

In this review, we will be covering the new Augvape Merlin Mini RTA. The original Merlin RTA by Augvape was fairly popular due to its excellent performance for a single coil RTA. This new version is a bit different offering a much smaller design, and a slightly larger diameter. Smaller RTAs have become extremely popular as of late since there are tons of smaller devices being released. Firstly, I will go over my first impressions, building and wicking, its performance, [...]

January 16th, 2017|2 Comments
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